Base System
Our base system offers features needed by all sponsors including:.
Real-time data of meals served and leftovers on site with daily, weekly and monthly meal usage reports
Sponsors can quickly view non-reporting sites
Sponsors can schedule deliveries on a weekly or daily basis
Vendors can login and download the next day's order
Sites can use the Meal Tracker app to generate meal count forms that automatically update the back-end database
or they can continue to use paper forms but enter their daily numbers on the Meal Tracker web site.
The system can handle offer vs served or, if milk equals meals, no milk order column is shown
Pricing is $15 per site per month with a 10 site minimum.
Schedule deliveries on a weekly or daily basis
Quickly access each site's meal count forms (numbers in blue) and determine if there are any missing meal count forms.
System Description
- Administrative site for sponsors to manage sites, schedule deliveries and track usage
- 1) add sites
- 2) schedule deliveries
- 3) monitor usage
- 4) run reports
- Mobile app to replicate site meal count form
- Vendor / Kitchen site to allow access to daily and weekly orders
- Browser based page for sites to access past meal count forms and for sites who are not using the app to report usage

Custom Accounts
We offer custom programming whether it be a web based system, a mobile app, or a hybrid system.